Unit 3 Exam
- Due Aug 2, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Points 76.5
- Questions 48
- Available Jul 29, 2020 at 9:20am - Aug 4, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Time Limit 60 Minutes
TIME: You will have 60 minutes to complete the exam. If you have a testing accommodation, please provide Dr. Colabroy with documentation
RESOURCES: You must have one, double-sided piece of 8.5 x 11 paper with any information on it, in whatever font you desire - this is called a "crib sheet". You can also reference the Biochemical Periodic Table at any time.
RESTRICTIONS: You may not open a web browser or consult any other materials (written or digital) or person (face-to-face or digitally) during the exam - except for your "crib sheet" and the periodic table.
- The quiz is designed to pull questions randomly from a "bank" of questions I have created while shuffling the answer choices randomly. You will not have the exact same "quiz" as another student, nor will you have the same answer choices in the same order.
- The questions will appear one at a time and they will lock behind you once you have submitted your answer. You will not be able to go back and change your answer.
- The first question will ask you to affirm the Academic Integrity Code during the taking of the quiz
- The second and third questions will ask you to upload images of the two sides of your crib sheet. Take photos of your crib sheet ahead of time, and have them ready to upload.
- The next questions ask you about reactions - substrates, products, bonds broken and formed.
- After that, there are questions that are pulled directly from the lessons and formative assessments you took during Lessons 17-25. These questions are graded.
- The last two questions ask you to match names/identifiers with chemical structure
What do I do if I think my answer is right, but Canvas marked me wrong?
- The answers to the Unit 3 exam are released after the quiz due date/time. Read the correct answers and try to understand.
- If you still think your answer has been graded incorrectly, send Dr. C a message using the message function on the right hand margin of the quiz, and I will examine your inquiry.
Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes